The Separation Page 3
“What do you mean?”
“Well, he's been a financial benefactor of your Harvard education. Granted, you had scholarships, and the like, but he has made sure that you would realize your dreams of becoming a professional.”
“How so?”
“Normally, we don't like to introduce people to their benefactors until after they take a designated seminar. You have proven to be the most intelligent of the students we have recently educated and we wanted you to have a special one-on-one with the man who has seen to it that your dreams could come true.”
Dr. Weiss picked up the telephone and asked his secretary to send in Dr. Kevin Parker. When Kevin walked in, Finn noticed a resemblance to himself in this man he was about to be introduced to.
“I'm very proud of you, Finn,” Kevin stated.
Finn replied, “Thank you, sir. To what do I owe this honor?”
“You're going to be taking a seminar with some of the other students but until you get situated in your new job, you're going to be staying with me and another very special person who I'm sure you'll learn about shortly.”
“I knew there'd be a new beginning but why am I living with you of all people?”
“I'm your benefactor. That's all I can say for now. I will reveal more information shortly but I didn't want you to be introduced to me in the group setting for the first time.”
“Group setting?”
“You will be meeting me and your other benefactor after a special group seminar. I can't explain things like the seminar will. Just trust that I am a friend and will support you until your dreams become realities, financially and personally speaking.”
“Thank you sir,” Finn stated and Dr. Weiss walked with him out towards the auditorium where a seminar was about to begin to shed light on the new world Finn was going to be living in.
Chapter Nine
Finn was approaching the auditorium where there would be a seminar that all graduates were going to be attending. A man came on to the stage to introduce himself to the young men seated before him.
“I am a psychologist and professor here at the school. Some of you may have had me for one of my literature courses. My name is Dr. Robert Peters, and I have the job of telling you fine, esteemed graduates that there is something wonderful in the world that you have been sheltered from. When you entered this institution of higher learning, you were given a pill such as the one you were given when you were in your school prior to this. These pills served to diminish a certain aspect of your human functioning. These pills significantly lessened your craving for something. Human desire. Or as it is commonly known in the world as, sex. Some of you have discovered strong feelings of friendship with each other and may be curious why.”
Peters walked down the stage he was on and went over to a random student. He asked the student if there was anything he felt was missing in his life. The student replied, “A good paying job to take care of myself in society, sir.”
Peters responded, “Yes but isn't there more to his life than earning a living?”
Finn was seated and felt very unusual watching this seminar. He felt inside himself that whatever secret was going to be revealed about life would make him feel like he had been lied to and betrayed by his elders who sheltered him from reality. As Peters continued talking and went back on stage, Finn's heart began to sink as the professor pulled down a chart that stated: “These are the birds and the bees.”
Finn and his peers started to learn about the fact that human beings are created by other human beings. There were not only males in the world but, as Peters informed them, there were also humans known as females. Peters had a woman slightly older than the graduating students come on to the stage. There was intensive chatter as Peters revealed that women carry children that are created through sperm cells that come from men. As Peters explained sexual protocol as it was known to the end of college curriculum, the graduates started to feel excited though Finn remained secretly upset about the fact that this information was revealed to him so late in his life.
Finn raised his hand during Peters' lecture. He asked Peters, “How do I meet one?” Peters let them know that they would all be meeting women soon in their new careers. There was potential for new and exciting relationships with these members of the opposite sex known as females.
Graduates were excited and confused, simultaneously, as these revelations were being made to them. The woman presented to them onstage with her long flowing brown hair and long legs seemed so beautiful that some men started feeling thoughts of sexuality (which was now possible being that the effects of the pill they had taken were starting to wear off).
Peters then concluded a two-hour long seminar. He talked to the students about coping mechanisms with the news that had just been revealed to them.
“You may find yourselves masturbating or rather pleasuring yourself while you wait to meet one of these members of the female community. You may also feel a desire to invest your time in reading books with female and male protagonists that will give you a clearer overview on what the life that lies ahead for you has in store. If you need another chance to discuss these revelations with anyone, psychologists such as myself will be available for consultation. You will remain on campus a few more weeks and then will go home with your parents or caregivers to begin your quest for employment. May the best be victorious. You are some of the best students the United States has to offer. We wish you success on all your endeavors.”
There was a round of applause as the students started to imagine the new possibilities that were ahead of them. Not only was there financial fulfillment in the world but also human desire fulfillment as well and a thing Peters briefly described onstage as “love.”
Chapter Ten
Kevin, Finn's father, drove his son home a few weeks after the seminar ended and things were explained to Finn and other graduates in more detail. Finn was excited to meet his mother, Carolina. They were headed to New York City, a destination that fascinated Finn from pictorial scenes he had witnessed during his earlier years of education. While they were on their road trip to New York, Finn and Kevin shared discussions of Finn's career goals.
“I know you've studied tremendously hard,” Kevin said.
“Yeah. It was tough but now I am ready to apply my knowledge to a job.”
“They spoke of higher education goals that you may have.”
“I just want to get my feet wet in a career as I start to explore my options.”
“Your mother saved report cards and pictures which were sent to us throughout the years. They mean so much to us. I'm so glad your mother and I will be able to spend time with you. We've been waiting over two decades for this moment to arrive.”
“It must be frustrating being a parent.”
“You have no idea. We used to lie awake at night wondering if you were going to be OK even after we knew you were so successful in your academics.”
“I guess it's time to start living in the new world.”
“It's a great world. What they've done with you is remarkable. They've turned you into a young man with so many great prospects. It's so exciting for me and your mom. We will support you in whatever career path is best for you.”
“And how about finding a woman? What if I find a woman to have a child of my own with?”
“Don't think about it. Being a parent is full of heartbreak. In the earliest years especially. Think about meeting someone but put that idea second to your job. There are forms of birth control if sex is on your mind. Did they tell you that?”
“Briefly, but yes.”
“Life is good. Let's start it off right. Your mother said she's making a nice, home-cooked meal for us when we arrive home. She said you liked steak and potatoes which is what your teachers told her.”
“I like steak, yeah.”
“It's your favorite?”
“I enjoy food but I enjoy the learning process and thinking so much more than food. I want to learn about you and my mot
her. I want to get to know you guys.”
“There will be time for that. Don't worry.”
“I want to know where I come from. I used to think a stork brought me to Earth. I knew that was lame. I never believed it.”
“Different teachers are forced to tell students whatever it is that soothes them when they are young. Well, when it comes to how they arrived on the planet at least.”
“Well what about the truth? These women, as they are called, are said to have major roles in society. Why were we sheltered from the truth about them?”
“Years ago, crime and pregnancy ran rampant so laws were enforced that managed to be implemented throughout the country. If you want to know the truth about women's roles in society today, you can read newspapers or take weekend courses to help you. The government doesn't want anyone to be sheltered from the truth when they reach your age, Finn.”
When they reached Finn's new home, his mother was waiting outside the house to greet them. Finn started to see a physical resemblance between himself and Carolina, his mom. She hugged him tight and told him how long she waited for this day to arrive. Finn felt a feeling of closeness and a bond he had not known before as he was getting to know his parents.
“You've been raised, Finn,” Carolina said.
Kevin asked Finn, “How were the men who raised you?”
“They were all really nice and taught me well.”
“They must have been really great guys to get you into Harvard and seeing you achieve all this success tells me the system can truly work for young people this way,” Carolina said.
Finn said, “I feel lied to but that's the world, isn't it?”
“I promise you no more lies,” Kevin said.
“Good. I need to focus on making money.”
“Money is important but you can also enjoy spending time with us,” Carolina stated.
“I'm just confused as to what I've learned in school in regards to what was real and what was veiled to conceal the fact there are two different sexes in the world.”
“It will all make sense as you continue to explore the world around you,” stated Kevin.
“I feel aroused sometimes and want to know what sex is like.”
“There's a pill to reduce your sexual arousal that you can take every day to suppress those feelings until you meet a girl you may want to be intimate with,” said Carolina.
“I feel these pills that they give us to suppress our human desires are just a little immoral, don't you think so, guys?”
Carolina responded, “Immoral how, Finn?”
“I mean we supposed to act on how we feel, aren't we?”
“If we acted on how we feel all the time, the world would be chaotic. This whole world we've come to live in now is the response to people acting on how they feel without the financial means to support the way they feel,” Kevin said.
“So essentially I better get myself to work and make that money,” Finn laughingly stated.
Chapter Eleven
Kevin drove Finn to his first job interview at a company called Rickman, Myers and Rosenthal, one of the top places Ivy league graduates went to seek work. One of the accountants there, Phillip Ratner, met with Finn and after a brief interview, Phillip was impressed enough to convince human resources to bring Finn on board at a starting salary which was close to six figures. Phillip was a glorified accountant in his mind but went to work to begin his career and start to feel value and self- worth. His college career had been tremendously challenging and Finn wanted to start reaping the financial rewards of his hard work.
As Finn started going to work on his own, he rode the subway train to work and saw a lot of different types of women seated on the train. He tried to figure out which was his ideal type of women, physically speaking. It was difficult because Finn also sought emotional stimulation from a potential partner and couldn't tell what a woman was like based on her appearance alone.
At his job, Finn found himself attracted to several of his female co-workers but his company has a strict policy of not being able to date a professional colleague. Finn turned to the pill which would suppress his sexual desires completely. He did this so he could focus on the job which had become quite challenging past the initial training stages.
Rickman, Myers and Rosenthal (know more traditionally as RM&R) offered Finn the financial stability he needed to move into his own apartment after six months working in his respective job. It wasn't typically that easy for other students from different colleges to move from their parents in such a short time but Finn showed the company he worked for tremendous dedication and was one of the most honored of the new employees at RM&R.
Finn stopped taking pills to suppress his sexual desires and found himself craving female companionship as a result. He was financially secure enough to be allowed to use a dating website called RAP (which stood for Romantic Alternatives for Professionals). Although he was generally considered to be a handsome young man, Finn didn't get responses to his personal ad on RAP right away.
When Finn saw someone who graduated from Harvard's female campus on RAP, he was quick to send her a message. Curious about the Harvard curriculum from a female standpoint, he was eager to call this woman whose name was Angela. He sent her a few messages and she sent him her phone number after a few exchanges about working with numbers and tidbits about Harvard. They set up a date to meet on a Friday night at a restaurant in lower Manhattan.
Finn arrived at the restaurant and saw Angela seated at a table on the left side looking out the window. He sat across from her after introducing himself.
“It's nice to meet you,” Finn said.
“Yes. Nice to meet you as well. I've been looking for someone my equal in terms of education for some time now.”
“Well, I know you're two years older than me, but I wanted to meet you. I've always felt older than my true age.”
After their dinner order arrived, Finn turned the conversation to the topic of the division of the sexes. Angela stated that bringing up that topic was like “opening a can of worms” but she continued to express her opinion.
“I understand it and I think it's important to divide the sexes for the importance of education. But, our education feels incomplete unless you attend those classes they offer after you graduate.”
“Did you attend any of those courses?”
“I tried. I was outraged by the things they omitted about how powerful men were in history and being educated knowing only women, the knowledge of men and how much influence they had in the world repulsed me. I quickly dropped out of the course.”
“That's all you have to say. I thought you would defend your sex being that you're a male.”
“I'm smarter than that. I believe in equality about all else. You are my equal and I just want to get to know you to fulfill my quest for human companionship and love.”
“Well, we're too young to get married and falling in love takes time, don't you think?”
“I agree. I still would like to know you.”
“I would like to know you too, Finn.”
“I just feel there's some things in this world which are so hard to ignore. I had taken pills to ignore my need for sex but then I realized that sex is natural and I want so bad to experience it.”
“Not on the first date. But in time, possibly we could do that.”
“What, have sex?”
“I wasn't asking you right away. I was just saying I have to start my quest to eventually have the desirable things we weren't taught about in school. The things that make us human.”
“I like you, Finn. I think you have a good head on your shoulders.”
“I think you are elegant, sophisticated and smarter than anyone I've ever met.”
“You could tell all that from a few phone conversations and an ad on a dating site?”
“Yes I could as a matter of fact.”
“Maybe you are smarter than me,
then. I haven't thought that far ahead. I have a few guys that I was talking to but I think maybe I should tell them I met someone.”
“I think we have a connection, don't you?”
“I just want to connect with someone on my level and I see you on my level.”
“Thanks for seeing me that way. You're also madly beautiful.”
“Don't say that. I don't want to be appreciated for my looks. I want to be appreciated for my mind.”
“Your mind is equally madly beautiful.”
“It is, isn't it? I have always thought I possessed a mind unlike anyone else's.”
“I haven't met a lot of girls except for the ones I have met at my job. They're smart. I won't lie about that. But, you possess a radiance that differentiates you from any other woman I have met in the brief time I've known women exist.”
Chapter Twelve
After Finn had walked Angela to her house from the restaurant, and kissed her goodnight on her lips, he went home and called his parents to inform them he had met a nice young woman. He told them he felt Angela was his equal in terms of intelligence and sophistication.
His mother, Carolina, was happy but wanted to tell Finn something. She asked Finn for permission to tell him what was on her mind.
“Of course, Mom. Whatever you have to say, please say it. I'm always eager to know what's on your mind.”
“I waited with your father for so long to finally meet you. After a few months of being here, you left. Me and your dad want to let you know that you can visit us more if you need to. We are always here for you. You are our lives. We always wanted a child. We never expected to have a son so gifted and I guess it's a blessing and a curse at the same time. But, please visit us. Your dad wants to see you more often too.”
“We can arrange that. Why don't I bring Angela over soon for dinner?”
“Didn't you just meet her?”
“Yes, but I want her to know you and Dad too.”
“I supposed we could cook for you guys. What does she like to eat?”
“She likes Italian food. She said so on her online dating ad,” Finn said.
“Your father and I could arrange a home cooked meal for you guys. When do you want to bring her here?”